Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Sesungguh nya cinta ku hanya fizikal....Nah ko pergi jauh!!

assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh sekarang ni aku tgh berehat kat atas katil ku yang tilam nya ntah apa ke benda...terpuruk tgh2...ada ke gitu. anywys...aku nak reflect sedikit tentang hari ku yang sungguh ntah2. let see...i woke up around 15 to 8am. if not because of assignment which by the way have to hand in tomoro petang, i got up and on my way to uni str8 after dat. jgn loyar buruk..of course i took shower before that, luan jua kan down under kediaku ani. masih ku kebruneian kali ah....menjaga kebersihan, membanggakan negara....apakan, anywhooots...seperti biasa kat uni...penuh keboringan...nothing exciting hehehe. oh yeah aku jumpa DK tgh mempersiap kan dia punye presentation, with her mate. then balik....dalam kepenatan yang penuh ampar dan lapar. after that too fatigue to do anywork...so aku pun berehat til sungkai. boring jua ari aku atu ah....

dah sehari berlalu lepas dah...nda ku kan deny, masih ku menunggu jawapan nya as she promised the day before she wud talked abt it today. but i havent got any message from her. it was not that i expect any positive thing nor negative thing from her message...coz i have prepared myself the worse. as i said...if she said yes alhmdulilah...if no, just move on *sob* hahahah.
i talked abt it with my fren over MSN, she said that is a good thing...good thing?! apa yang bagus nya kalau ia nda msg aku, aku tanya ia. she said...if she has not message you that means the girl would not reject kediaku and shes stil think abt it...which means i got chance....
if dat were true alhamdulilah...but pretty sure she wud not say yes...shes hoping with time passing by...this 'thing' will fade away as if it never happened.
though i am in this situation, somehow masih ku manage to smile. if this wud happened to me years back, i wud regard this as the end of the world hahaha. but now....alhamdulilah...im happy with wat i have decided to risk and decision i made. perhaps.....heey! aku mature dah wahahah....i am so mature haha tekarang wahaha....

just around 4pm when i was doing nuthing, i decided to do bit of youtube'ing...somehow i ended up
youtube'ing catwalk. syok kali ah meliat wat they come up with coming season...then i click on the men runway....jeez they just weird...some of em are quite good looking (typical looks for runway model)...tapi some of the outfits macam .....out of this world...when i said that i dont mean lawa brabis...i meant macam who the heck comes up with the design and stuff...D&G lawa2 baju nya tadi...macam smart and rugged brabis.
i thought those men model walk rugged kali...macam timpang sorang 2 jalan. hahaha...burut? nda jua burut...i wud like to describe wat burut is...somehow...inda ku ingin berigali kali ah pemikiran ku hahaha....the thing abt runway, to me at least..if nda lawa baju nya...orang yang memakai atu lawa hahahah...so things tend to cancel each other out haha...kalau dua2 lawa...hancuuuussss!
i like to watch runway...sometimes well mostly half of the time...they integrate the fashion runway with music as well art...which aku suka dua2 nya. i dont mind watching Fashion tv. lagipun syok kali ah mencaci those model yang nda berupa model untuk ku ahahha. bedosa saja kediaku ah.

thanx to my fren all way in Brunei Darussalam...coz memberitahu a id of a song which aku mencari sekian lama nya. Bagaikan langit by Steve from indonesian idol hehehe and to fren upstairs....mendownload kan lagu 'cinta di akhir garisan' hehehe aku panggil ko mami lanun saja ah...sbab ko distribute illegal song..macam lanun cetak rompak ah hahahahaha