Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Kalau asap tu makanan jin....siapa pulak makan tempoyak?

Masih ku ingat, pada seketika dahulu a friend of mine offered me a cigarette and ask me, have i ever tried to smoke once" then aku jawap what i always respond to such question, "inda ku mau...sigup kampung lagi nda ku memandai...apa lagi sigup benar". then ia pun again persuade me to take at least one puff out of it. it is not that i have things against smoker or smoke....peduli lah durang yang ber sigup atu. its their problem and not mine. as long durang nda somehow mengait kan aku kepada masalah durang with smoking, thats fine by me. its just that...prinsip hidup ku, salah satu of them smoke is a big no no for me. thats where i drew the line, by not taking or even touching a lighting cigar. bukan nya ku takut...dengan izin Nya, satu hari kalau ia men takdir kan aku bersigup...i wud. but so far alhamdulilah aku stay away from it.

aku paling nda suka kalau orang somehow...memaksa aku into doing those stuff yang aku nda suka, as i given u an example. i know smoking looks cool and even rugged. tapi, please...looking good and rugged which leads to health way boi~. baik ku membeli G*Star jeans d queen street dengan duit sigup atu....lagi kacak and cool olehnya. anywys, aku sesuka sangat tapi nanti lah ku membali that jeans.

back to cigarette thing, oh yeah....kalau any of u guys...give me at least least ONE reason yang bebanar...(thinking how to emphasize banar)...valid and reasonable to me...i wud take a puff out of lighted cigar. i know...people who dont smoke do get lung cancer despite durang inda smoke. atu dah takdir nya kena dapat such disease. i just wanna lead my life to the fullest.

been encounter with few people that seems addicted to it. asalkan jumpa or seen people smoking...dui ma...ingin ku kan bersigup. to me thats not an attractive thing to me. its much more like a masalah to me. thats why nda ku pegang a cigarette. addiction...i do have addiction at the moment. tapi....aku mesti bangun pagi for that. i think i wanna try a new things lah. i know a place where i can do it in peaceful hahaha. hint...its in a park somewhere near here.