Monday, October 1, 2007

done a bit of my assignment which going to be hand in like lusa. so far i have done 300+ words and 900+ to go. at the moment i am so sleepy and its only 930 pm baru...naleh ku eeh. so better hit the sack quite awal tonite and tomoro bangun pagi and go to uni awal to finish up the assignment. in this post im not going to talk about assignment. i want to talk one of my love at first sight way back in my childhood. this involved a boy and a tiger...

i still remember way
back bro have borrowed a collection comic book from his friends. and one of them is calvin and hobbes. entah was love at first sight. a kid with black and red stripes tshirt with black short and his stuff tiger which to him only able to understand what the tiger is saying. syok kali ah the comic strips. durang dua ani keep having love hate relationship...sometimes they are loving sick each other...but other times...they would choke and kill each other. it was one of the most original thing for me....sesuuuuka sangat.