Monday, March 23, 2009

Southbank Outing....Kan ceta memanjang nda ku mau...Ayung ku~ haha


hahaha it is time to update and upload new pictures for the day hahaha. minta maaf lah bebanyak kenapa aku kerap kali menghilang dari dunia memblog. tapi nampak nya trend memblog bagi ku telah pun kurang. or aku aje yang jarang nak meninjau blog2 orang. and yes, im not one of those people yg suka baca blog orang hehehe sebab case malas kan ingat and keep on track others blog, since blog sendiri pun nda terjaga hahahaha. apa nya orang nanti. in particular one person tahu sebab kenapa aku jarang sangat nak update blog ni. and i kno YOU are reading this, and yes you kno I AM HAPPY hahahahaha. so there is nothing in particular that i would like to rant about cause...i dont bother to rant abt it hahaha. why dont i start with my day....

bangun awal hehehhehe (adeler ceta die, apa yg telah terjadi hehehe, suka ku eeeeh hahaha). anywys...aku start mandi pagi around 9 ish in the morning, then makai baju itu ini kluar ke city around 10 lebih. oh yeah i got the free ride bus to the city cause the meshin nya rosak. so YAY! free one trip hehe, anything that is free is good enuf for me haha. then jalan2 d city went to Priceline got myself moisturiser. yang murah saja lah, nda jua mahal sngt hahaha. saja cause lately due to the makes my skin dried and dehydrated like orang nampak makanan di majlis d atas meja and tempat tapau kena sediakan. abis saja balik, aku mandi and makai the moisturiser...ok jua lah rasa nya nda kan gatal2 lagi.

went to EB games and saw him, black, buff and handsome....sheeet. ingin ku sekali memiliki nya kali ah aku tau aku nda mampu for now...coz i knew one day...surely ia akan jatuh ke tangan ku. perhaps at the end of this year? as my gift to have him? hahahah...ntah ah...takut ku macm nda paedah2 jua ku dgn kedia. i mean.....aku ani jenis suka main skajap (WAHAHAHAHAHAHA). nda tahan bah duduk2 saja. mau jua tukar2 tempat. tapi kalau terkena 'game' yg bisai main dengan kedia kan bagus. i dont mind playing him sejam kah..2 jam kah. asalkan jgn orang melarang and mngacau aku. cant wait to have that black, buff and handsome thing in my hand,.... akan ku picit2 dengan penuh emosi. di atas, d bawah...depan...macam2 posisi akan ku bermain dgn kedia...duduk atas kerusi...duduk atas lantai...di atas katil bawah katil pun dapat. camana ni?

Anywys "Black, Buff, Handsome" atu ku maksud kan PS3...Jgn Fikir yang bukan2

awu its gonna cost me 700 aussie dollar to purchase that thing...adui ma. macam2 sungguh dunia yang materialistik ini. wait a minute why shud i blame the world yg materialistik? bukan nya manusia YANG MEMBUAT dunia ani materialistik. cause orang dulu2 nda pun rely 110% on money alone to survive. we dooooo need money to keep moving on...there was used to be a certain point in reality where the solution of every problem wasnt money. now i bet EVERYTHING would ended up with solution with having lots and heaps of moneh. kenapa aku mcm bitter with i have enuf money for myself....heheheh yes and no. yes for me and no for my greed hahahaha. macam2 ku kan beli....ntah lah....pasal PS3 atu im not sure if its worth it. untuk my family d brunei lah. hehehe.

and yes, post ni nak ku post tentang photo outing yesterday. Aku, Epic, Gee, Gee's dad (Mr Gee hahaha) and Wardi later came along. so kat southbank jer cause Gee wanted to take a picture of Southbank during Dawn or Dusk. i do believe its a dusk kan waktu maghrib ani, cause dawn wud be when the death for the vampire (too much watching tv ). it was fun'ish. cause i do meet them and did take a lot of somewht okay pix. sorry Epic kalau boring hahaha if u do read this....and im pretty sure u dont, cause ur sis gonna read this and tell u abt aku cakap sory hahahaha. there was nothing to rant abt yesterday photo outing tho hahaha, so i just try to tell a story from the pix. anywys cerita yang akan ku hujah kan itu bukan semestinya perkara yg benar, ia hanya smua rekaan semata, tidak berkaitan dan berkenaan dengan yang mati mahupun hidup. oleh kerana itu,tindakan saman ataupun mahkamah sememang lah dan gerenti unvalid untuk dibagi kepadaku. so......enjoy the pix peeeeepz!!!!!

i decided to sit at one of those benches in the southbank which face the Brisbane River, where these two came along and sat on the park. a brunette in red strapless number with her bloke eating ice-cream. yang baru durang beli dari that ice cream truck or van yg parked just few yards away i supposed. since hari yang panas durang pun decided to have a chill by eating ice cream. nampak nya lelaki tu sedang makan cendol hahaha....well it was greenish thing in the cup. so aku assume its a chendol hahaha. anywys i saw that they just bought a rattan basket from the city, perhaps durang nak guna basket tu untuk menaruh barang...mcm...mmm..kalau perempuan tu mesti die nak taruk segala majalah cosmo die kat living room. kalau lelaki tu, die nak letak kertas2 kerja kat ofis die kat rumah. lagipun, its drg punya hal lah...nak buat ape dgn basket tu. this pix. i think it shows that these guys are much in love heheh. tu mamat tu sedang stroked rambut die. dan minah tu sedang renung wajah mamat tu. so dalam tgh bercinta lah tu. ceta durang? mmmm....i think...durang dua ani memang dah kerja. a girl kerja ala2 kadar jer...mungkin kat small company. and this guy boleh lah tahan kerja die, which usually overwhelmed him from time to time. so die decided to spent his weekend with makwe die kat Southbank ni. dah lah letih sepanjang weekdays kan so die chill jer kat Southbank bersama2 makwe die. Sperti biasa baru balik dari city beli few stuff from mamat tu kepada makwe die, dan beli botol air, sebab mamat tu dahaga. and they much in love with each other, enuf said hahaha

Mamat seruling ni, tgh carik a breakthrough for his ultimately talent as a peniup seruling. dengan satu harapan die datang ke kota Brisbane untuk mencarik sumber rezeki yang kian susah untuk mendapat kan oleh kerana economy recession tatkala ini. i can tell he simply enjoys his flute hahaha (duh) and shares his enjoyment with others ler, other than finding his breakthrough. tu jer lah ceta die, malas nak memanjang.....kalau nak panjang jugak...dia pakai topi dan seluar die merah sebab die dapat diskaun tu kat target. hahahah

Budak dua orang nie sedang carik something kat sungai tu....mungkin kat Southbank ni used to be lombong emas yg waktu 1780an, diana semua ini masih menjadi taman pemulihan akhlak bagi kaolas dan kangaroos, orang2 asli telah menjumpa emas dan galian2 lain d sungai ini. so tercatatlah sejarah guiness book of record untuk penggali lombong emas terbesar yang ter awal di abad ini.

Hey Hey Hey the shot of the day hahahaha, rasa ku macam berada di gerai malam pulak. kerna pelbagai hidangan of sotong telah di sedia kan. seperti sotong tutuk, sotong panggang, sotong gril, sotong masak merah (too much of sun), sotong masak kicap (andang nya galap orang nya) dan lain2 lah hehehe. this is one of the many places that i avoid cause 2 things, if we taking pics of adult they would think u as a stalker or would think that we're pedophile so alang2 jangan tah haahah. anywys these people are just chilling their weekend off hehehe.

not that much i knew of this guy punya ceta, i think lah ah, he's the guy who sells abroginal handicraft at the Southbank weekends market. didnt get the chance to take a shot of his booth tho. so imagine ia jual all those handicraft thing saja mcam d gerai pasal malam gadong.

hahahah masa ani rasa ku macam malas kan memanjang ceta hidup durang. tot dari awal it would not take that effort to type...kali nya....meliat ada few gambars lagi kan d cetakan...mcm capek deh. hahahah.. so this gurl basically walking down the market in search for her mates jer....sebab takkan die nak carik bf cause die ada dah boifren. tak nampak kat muka wajah nye? dah happy lah tu.

ni lah gaya mamat2 aussie kat sini, nampak tak seluar kombat singkat hingga ke lutut (empat2 pakai)....thong...bukan seluar dalam, tapi selipar thongs yg durang tgh pakai tu. (empat2 jugak pakai) hahahaha dan Tshirt. so ni lah selalu nyer durang makai untuk awal autumn and summer. much more relax.

Minah ni tgh boring sngat. anwys minah ni suke minum buah2 juice, since die beli boost.
hahaha mcma boring sja ceta ku ah..nampak bah nda ikhlas ku kan mencetakn memanjang hahaha bwoh mgapa ia aku ah...rindu kan sesorang? or simply ayung? hahahahah mmmmmmm mana satu yang betul yek hahahaha

Lifeguard kat Artificial Southbank beach


Anonymous said...

I like the photo of the two kids going upriver the best. =)