Thursday, August 7, 2008

Burung Kertas? Kertas Burung......Up Up and AWAY!!!!

Part of my life actually, music...time...and psych.... :P

Asalamulaikum people

yeah i know, this is one of those moment, where i was not busy at all. i got the free time to actually blogging my spare time hahaha. terbukti aku tidak ada kerja lain selain daripada menalur. ive watched this film, burung2 kertas, dari tadi pagi dah, dah abis ku liat....ku sngaja kan let it play all over again. saja takut rasa sunyi hahahha. lagipun syok jua lah ceritanya. the lead actor, i told my fren resemble someone that we know hahahaha. well it was his young version kali....kehkehkeh..lurus wat? sama? ahhaha i should talk a lil a bit about the movie. the movie tells the life of three people. which all of them somewhat connected, macam this gurl suka this guy...this guy was searching for love, and this another gurl love her bestfriend. tapi at the end........raksasa babi hutan menyerang kota singapura. mendatang kan malapetaka yang tidak terkata. sendiri lah liat the movie....syok jua lah. worth it to watch for me at least. at the end of the credit...i mean while the credit was rolling, they showed a step by step to make a bird origamy. and i did made one was a bit like a bird that have been rolled over by a car. but hey u can see the heads, two wings and a tail...thats all matter. hahaha

the piece of paper that left over, u can see there...atu bekas part of the paper that i used to make the bird. burung garuda kot aku kan buat. u can see that it was from my last semester paper note lecture hahaha. it have to be square people

does it looks a real bird against the sky background hahahaha.

"...terbang burung ku....terbang setinggi angkasa lepas....usah kau risau akan kekurang oksigen....kalau kamu kehabisan oksigen...nescaya urat darah mu akan pecah di kepala kerana tekanan tinggi dan kau akan jatuh ke atas muka bumi...oh burung ku terbang lah tinggi...."
- kata2 orang main burung