Saturday, August 23, 2008

Footy Tourney BSS 2008. Got the jersey? ball? socks? Guards? wheres my STUPOR?!?!

assalamualaikum and salam sejahtera to all

The time has arrived once more, the time for Footy tournement!. Yesterday pada tanggal *checking the calendar, cause i eventually have lost track of dates lols* 23rd August 2008.....which now it has clicked me that one of my friend's birthday date.....which aku lupa kan wish her. adui ma....lupa ku :S.
owh yeah yesterday, BSS committee have organised a footy tourney which held at Mt gravatt padang over at the Griffith Uni Mt Gravatt campus. it was rushing for me yesterday, cause aku akhir tidur malam sebelumnya. kul 5 kali ku beradu kali ah buleeeh~......

woke up around 915 ish, had a quick shower, caught 412 bus at 10 and made my way to the city. basically got myself to the event at around 1045 ish gitu2. had trouble finding the place (event) cause the 'enterance' for the padang is undergoing renovation. heck i know what they gonna buat....cause we had the conversation abt macam2 theory meluah.

the event have given me the opportunity do bit of sport photography....which aku berpuas hati for the end result (the pix). ye lah, tau lah tak berapa...tapi aku puas hati pun. wish Jersey 11 had come along and do the outing together. tapi she got another event to attend. i wonder if she got some chance for pix outing at that event.

some pix of the action yesterday. i think aku need to post up some more pix regarding yesterday in near future. cause masa ani aku nak focus nak buat assignment dulu ya people. kepada semua di harap bersabar, kerana sesungguh nya sabar adalah separuh, ataupun satu perdua, ataupun setengah, ataupun sebesar bahagian ataupun.................................dua per empat dari IIIIMMMAAANNN.......

dan kepada yang tak penyabar.....lantak lah! lols

"...sebenarnya i do not bother to do this since it was far early in the morning, and i just woke up. my tummy is groaning. need food maaa~....."
- kata2 orang bangun tdor