Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mengapa lama biskita menghilang ani

Assalamualaikum kepada semua peeps yang masih 'terserempak' dalam blog ku yg nun lama nda berupdate hahaha. i have to explain myself why the heck i have not update my blog...well too many things have happened between the last post and this post. but it is not that important to rant about it, i guess i just say out the gist of all things then

ok pertama kali there this uni matters....memang pun busy and buat aku occupied for somtimes. things (assignments) that needed to get done and submitted on the due dates. since this is the 3rd year, the workload seems a bit heavier compare the past years. there was this time when we (referring to my fren ler) realised the due date for this particular assignment due the next day and we have not done anything about it. so we panicked for about 30 minutes or so....and made our way through it, and it was 2500 words assignment. and it may nothing for u guys...still panic jua d buatnya. but overall...mmm alhamdulilah i shall say. just try to study and work smart from now on.

other than uni, life? theres not much of life when u'r in uni and abroad from home i guess. nda pulang semestinya, i do have a life here. tapi i try not to caught up with it, mcm takut ku terlalai...haha mcm tah aku ani luan kan geek sangat kan belajar sampai nda kan ada life. frens here and there, great frens actually. but missing yg kat home pun jua. meeting new frens jua over from facebook, who knows hahaha. and facebook, giler....kan tiap2 hari and 24/7 kan ber facebook. u guys kno wat i meant. so far yang ku dgr yg 'addict' with it, the person keep pressing refresh now n then. hahaha macm malas ku lah, i mean nda pulang ku nda mau share dgn u guys what had happend dgn aku from day to day. i mean...c'mon..interesting sangat kah aku ani kan ikut perkembangan aku cuba kan letak2 interesting gambar lah kat sini. tapi ntah lah hahaha mcm malas jua kan update everyday. i kno i dont have to update it everyday...once a week enuf jua kan. ntah lah...tau lah orang ani, warm warm chicken shit. hahahaha i should have put my cawie philosophy in my blog, biar kan tiaa~

ok tell me honestly, siapa yg sangat kan membaca the whole thing that i would rant about? hahaha. and i think i just realised aku malar kan buat 'hahahaha', malar jua ku ketawa. i mean...kalau untuk assignment essay, just to get the whole assignment to reach a certain word limit tu eh. sikit2 hahahah sikit2 hahaha. apa da aku ani. cawie~

lagipun, the advantage to have long and big chunky things to rant about, who knows di dalam so called article haha, ada info yang valuable tentang aku. mcm aku ani siapa sebenarnya...ada kah aku ani seorang perisik dari negera ku? adakah aku ani seorang super hero yg menentang kezaliman dunia? ataupun memerangi orang2 yang poklen? siapa tahu kan....who knows aku dah menyirat kod ataupun perkataan yg tersembunyi di antara2 perkataan yang telah ku guna. siapakah gerangan nya yg ku bersama tatkala ini, atau pun gerangan yg ku nda bersama? apakan aku ah hahaha.


Anonymous said...

cawieeee hahahhaha :P jgn marah boh.